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Questions relating to Physiotherapy


PhysioAdvisor offers expert physiotherapy advice and information on sports injuries, diagnosis and treatment. We are here to answer any questions you may have about physiotherapy.

Q.What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a treatment used to help with the pain relief, healing and rehabilitation of most medical and surgical conditions.

Q.How effective is physiotherapy?

In the vast majority of cases physiotherapy is considered extremely effective for appropriate conditions. Research suggests that physiotherapy significantly improves the rehabilitation.

Q.Is physiotherapy massage?

No, physiotherapy is much more than massage, although specific massage techniques may be used if they are regarded as an appropriate treatment to aid your recovery.

Q.What types of problem can physiotherapy help?

Physiotherapy is a treatment used to help with the pain relief, healing and rehabilitation of most medical and surgical conditions.

Q.Why see a physiotherapist?

In the vast majority of cases physiotherapy is considered extremely effective for appropriate conditions. Research suggests that physiotherapy significantly improves the rehabilitation.

Q.Can I choose to be seen by a female Physio?

No, physiotherapy is much more than massage, although specific massage techniques may be used if they are regarded as an appropriate treatment to aid your recovery.

Questions relating to Treatments


Q.What can I expect to happen in the initial assess?

Cras egestas fringilla interdumaculis lacusut gravida arcuum sociis natoque penatibus etmagnis disparturient montes.

Q.How do I know what type of physiotherapy will help?

Maecenas vestibulum arcused velit porttitor fermentumed quis dolor laoreetorper ipsumhac habitasse platea dictumst.

Q.Can I pay for my treatments by Credit Card?

Aliquam vitae commodo nisquis consequat nuit amet eros bibendum fringilla orcigravida lectuss id vulputate suscipit enim.

Q.What clothes shall I bring for my physio appointment?

Dapibus duiluctus nibh orbi dictum augue lectus, non eleifend leo lorem vestibulumorbi non libero dignissimlementum sem acvitae.

Questions relating to Medical Insurance

Medical Insurance

Q.What do I have to do if I want to claim costs through my medical insurance?

Cras egestas fringilla interdum ullam at iaculis lacusut gravida arcum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

Q.I have an excess or treatment limit on my medical policy what should I do?

Aliquam vitae commodo nisiquis consequat nullaam sit ameteros bibendum fringilla orci etgravida lecsuscipit enim.

General Physiotherapy Questions


Q.What is the Health Professions Council?

Cras egestas fringilla interdum ullam at iaculis lacusut gravida arcum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

Q.Do I need a Doctor's Referral?

Aliquam vitae commodo nisiquis consequat nullaam sit ameteros bibendum fringilla orci etgravida lecsuscipit enim.